Píntega rabilonga (Chioglossa lusitanica) Species do anus 2015 na Reservation gives Biosphere give Mariñas Coruñesas and Terras do Mandeo.
Or Naturalistic Group Habitat us fai chegar information gives súa collaboration coa Reservation gives Biosphere give Mariñas Coruñesas and Terra do Mandeo and Group of Desenvolvimento Rural ace Mariñas Betanzos, for ace activities of divulging on to píntega rabilonga (Chioglossa lusitanica) escollida like Species do Anus 2015 na Reserves of Biosphere Mariñas Coruñesas and Terras do Mandeo (MCeTM)
To Chioglosa lusitanica é an amphibian gives family Salamandridae, endemic do northwest gives Iberian Peninsula, para facer a pouco máis accessible this species so descoñecida, teñen elaborated an informative triptych, as well as to web http://saramaganta.weebly.com, onde recompilan and put to disposal do public information on this species.
Tamén teñen Initiated a campaign of recollida of data, so much historical like actuais, no that recopilan to information of saramaganta in Galicia, for or that request that they cover this index card and send by mail ou postal post. Dende www.biodiversidade.eu poñemos To disposal you data recollidos desta species and consultabeis na index card http://www.biodiversidade.eu/especie/chioglossa-lusitanica/?translate=true&lang=is
Finally, they announce us that proximamente organised unha xornada informative on this species, gives that we will tempt to inform.