This website has been developed by A Navalla suíza during the university year 2012-13 and published on September 16th, 2013.
Website has been developed using only open source software.
- Server runs with Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 (squeeze)
- Pages are served by Apache 2.2.16.
- Website is built with PHP5 framework phpCan, CSS framework cSans and also pre-processor styleCow. Those tools have been developed by A Navalla suíza.
Logo has been created by A Navalla suíza. Typeface is Kefa, designed by Jérémie Hornus on 2006 for Dalton Maag and it integrates Latin and Ethiopian characters. As a complementary typography for website texts Lato, a free distributed source designed by Łukasz Dziedzic on 2010, has been chosen.
Colours are green #85b200, #739900 and #C2D980; blue #006298 and #EBF2F7, and also orange #EEC383.