Xornada Of Environmental Volunteering Pozo of casteieixas
- Montederramo
- 13:00
Inside it gives state campaign "Tecendo networks" to promote to custody do territory, ADEGA organises unha xornada for or mantemento dunhas charcas and pozos of rega nunha give fincas custodiadas na mountain ourensá.
Day: 24 April 2016
Schedule: 10:30 to 18:30h.
Point of encontro: High do Rodicio (Maceda, Ourense), ace 10:30h
Maximum number of participants: 50 persoas.
Observacións: It recommended to levy roupa and comfortable footwear.
To actividade will levy or day enteiro in quendas of mañá and late, and will explain co asesoramento and or seguimento by persoal of ADEGA skilled na xestión of habitats húmidos and of amphibians.
+ info www.adega.gal