You Collective Inventories of Mámíferos of Galicia
- Casa das Insuas, Rábade, Lugo
- 10:00
You mammalian are a group of big importance us ecosystems and to key to understand ace relacións existent between you distinct animais and vexetais that inhabit you ecosystems galegos. By iso, or advance no seu coñecemento scientific é really important ben have to ter in conta that estes estudos are complicated to tackle had to ós secret habits destas species and enormous ace diferenzas of size, feeding and costumes that teñen between if.
To science cidadá, citizen science, é of vital importance to boost or coñecemento and or estudo destes groups animais had to á complexidade us seu estudo. Nestas xornadas, afondaremos us different collective inventories that desenvolven in Galicia and will offer ...Key ace so that you assistants poidan participate nestas interesting activities of public use and investigation na natureza.
10:00 Atlases and seguimentos of terrestrial mammals non voadores. Xosé Pardavila (GEAS)
11:00. Unha ollada Or traballo with morcegos. Ledicia Santos Fernández (Drosera)
12:00 Coffee
12:30 To Rede Iberian of Seguimento of Fauna Atropelada. Martín Pérez Rendo (GEAS)
13:30. Iberian Sondeo of Lontra. Martiño Cabana (AGCT-SECEM).
14:00 Peche gives xornada
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