Obradoiro To Hit of Carbon
- Escola Unitaria, Santiago de Compostela
- 11:00
- Given by: Joana Martins
- Level: Initiation
- Length: 16h
- Schedule: of 10h to 14h and of 16h to 20h
- N.º Of prazas: 15
- Quota of inscrición: 90 €
- You date: 12 (Saturday) and 13 (Sunday) of decembro of 2015
- It DATES LIMIT OF INSCRICIÓN: 4 of decembro of 2015
An achegamento practical or calculate gives hit of carbon, unha ferramenta key for loitar against or change climatico, and that us last anuses adquiriu unha big importance no ambito business and institutional.PROGRAM
Concept of hit ecolóxica, hit of carbon and relation coa análise of cycle of life.
To relation co ecodeseño and co labeling ecolóxico.Field of application and Normative: organizacións, servizos, products.
Rule of Hit of Carbon of Product (ISO TS 14067:2013; PAS 2050: 2011).
Rule of Hit of Carbon of Organisation (ISO 14064-1; GHG Protocol).Ferramentas And Metodoloxías of calculation
Fontes Of information for factors of broadcast.
Guides for or calculation gives hit of carbon.
Softwares of calculation gives hit of carbon.To communication gives hit of carbon
Preparation of reports and criteria for to communication gives hit of carbon dun product.
Mechanisms of redución and compensation (ISO 14064-2, PAS 2060).Practical cases
EDUCATIONAL: Joana Martins
Professional gives enxeñaría with experience in consulting and training in environmental matter. Traballando Like freelance sobretodo nas areas gives atmospheric pollution, calidade do air and climatic change; xestión environmental inside give organizacións.
Linkedin JoanaADDRESSEES
Estudantes, pray formed and profesionais do environmental sector of entities publish and private.MATERIAL INCLUÍDO NO OBRADOIRO
Ao Final do obradoiro, will deliver you students you materiais theoretical empregados na classroom.NEEDS
To participate no course é recommended that each a two students traia or seu próprio computer and that teña software of calculate (do type Excel). For different ace práticas empregaremos free software and ferramentas free on-line.