Descuberta Of Biodiversidade (Bioblitz) nas microrreservas of Fisterra
- Fisterra
- 11:30
Or Concello of Fisterra recibiu unha axuda gives Direction Xeral of Conservation gives Natureza, cofinanciada co FEADER, no frame do Program of desenvolvemento rural (PDR) 2014-2020, centred na creation dunha rede of microreservas of flora, like mechanism for to conservation of habitats prioritarios ou of interest community, boosting to active participation gives poboación local. Neste proxecto Collaborate or Group of Investigation Biodiversidade Conservation of vascular plants and ADEGA. In 2017 hai programmed xa different accións as to elimination of exotic species invasoras, to restoration of habitats, to reintroducción of Alyssum gallaecicum , etc.
To actividade of Bioblitz ou descuberta of biodiversidade is encamiñada á mellorar or coñecemento two types of habitats and present species nas zones of special conservation do seaboard of Fisterra. This actividade will be guided by expert botanists in species ameazadas and naturalistic experts in birds and libeliñas. Have like obxectivo fundamental spread value you naturais deste espazo go in to cidadanía.
To actividade é gratuíta. You are interested/to in participating, annotate you:
Virginia Rodríguez: 650 261 283 / 981 57 00 99