BioBlitz Give Insuas
- Insuas do Miño, Rábade
- 02:00
Or 18 of xuño do 2016 invitámosvos á participate no BioBlitz give Insuas do Miño, a two maiores espazos in custody do territory of Galicia.
A BioBlitz (BioLóstrego) consists nunha xornada of field co obxectivo to discover to maior cantidade of species that inhabit a determinate place. Ace Insuas do Miño are an exceptional place to realise this actividade had to á big biodiversidade that can atopar nas súas ribeiras, forests and meadows, xa that encadra na cunca high do river Miño, cerne do ZEC Parga-Bark-Támoga and gives Reservation gives Biosphere of Terras do Miño.
Ace Insuas do Miño are a two maiores espazos in custody do territory of Galicia with máis of 100 has to forests and meadows propiedade gives Deputación Provincial of Lugo and that to AGCT xestiona by means of an acordo of custody.
During this actividade, will look for to maior cantidade of species of flora and fauna that inhabit ace Insuas and will realise a complete inventory gives súa biodiversidade. Tamén Will realise photographies give species that non poidamos identify to be able to subilas á platform of Biodiversidade Virtual for to súa identification by experts.
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