Quercus suber L. - Vascular plants Fagaceae Validated On September 20, 2015 | 13:26 h By Jonatan Antúnez May 21, 2016 1 geolocation
Discoglossus galganoi Capula, Nascetti, Lanza, Bullini & Crespo, 1985 - Amphibians and reptiles Alytidae Validated On September 20, 2015 | 13:22 h By Jonatan Antúnez May 21, 2016 1 geolocation
Bufo spinosus Daudin, 1803 - Amphibians and reptiles Bufonidae Validated On September 20, 2015 | 13:07 h By Jonatan Antúnez May 21, 2016 1 geolocation
Chenopodium album L. - Vascular plants Chenopodiaceae No validated On September 20, 2015 | 13:05 h By Jonatan Antúnez May 21, 2016 1 geolocation
Datura stramonium L. - Vascular plants Solanaceae Validated On September 20, 2015 | 13:04 h By Jonatan Antúnez May 21, 2016 1 geolocation
Dolycoris baccarum (Linnaeus, 1758) - Invertebrates Pentatomidae Validated On September 20, 2015 | 13:02 h By Jonatan Antúnez May 21, 2016 1 geolocation