Triturus marmoratus (Latreille, 1800) - Amphibians and reptiles Salamandridae Validated On July 10, 2015 | 15:39 h By Jonatan Antúnez November 7, 2015 1 geolocation
Alytes obstetricans (Laurenti, 1768) - Amphibians and reptiles Alytidae Validated On July 10, 2015 | 15:32 h By Jonatan Antúnez November 7, 2015 1 geolocation
Lycaena alciphron (Rottemburg, 1775) - Invertebrates Lycaenidae Validated On July 10, 2015 | 15:27 h By Jonatan Antúnez November 7, 2015 1 geolocation
Paraserianthes lophanta (Wild.) I.C. Nielsen - Vascular plants Fabaceae Validated In Fisterra On November 5, 2015 | 15:00 h By viqui November 7, 2015 1 geolocation
Lysimachia monelli (L.) U. Manns & Anderb. - Vascular plants Primulaceae Validated On November 4, 2015 | 16:00 h By viqui November 7, 2015 1 geolocation
Cortaderia selloana (Schult. & Schult. fil) Asch. & Graebn. - Vascular plants Poaceae Validated In Escaselas - rego de langosteira On November 5, 2015 | 16:00 h By viqui November 7, 2015 1 geolocation