Xenebreiro (Juniperus communis) ameazado By sobrepastoreo us Ancares Enabled
- Threat type Others
- Threat level Medium
- Date
- Area | Cervantes, Lugo, Galiza
Estimated friends:
Ace poboacións of Juniperus communis subsp. Alpine (xenebreiro) situated na zone do Beak Cuiña, us Ancares, present a worrisome state, close less. Alguns pés Are mortos and outros moi touched. Penso That to cause pode be or excess of pressure that exercen on eles ace species of ungulados entered with fins cinexéticos hai uns 15 anuses, coido that by part gives autonomous administration of Castela-León. Rebezos And goats montesas increased or seu number considerably us last anuses for deleite of hunters and lovers gives natureza, mais supoñen unha ameaza for an ecosystem that dende facía moito tempo non bore this pressure. Or problem agrávase because these poboacións of herbivores live practically all or anus nunha area non moi extensive, hardly unhas tens of hectares.
Coido That would be bon that some botanist bounced unha ollada, especially na zone comprised between or beak Cuiña and or Two Hermanitos, to see really exists a serious problem. To be like this, xa habería that poñerse in contact cos xestores give dúas reservations of hunting, to two Ancares galegos and to two Ancares Leonese.
Related species:
- Vipera seoanei Lataste, 1879
- Triturus marmoratus (Latreille, 1800)
- Juniperus communis L.
- Agrostis tileni Nieto Fel. & Castrov.
- Alytes obstetricans (Laurenti, 1768)
- Anguis fragilis Linnaeus, 1758
- Arnica montana L. subsp. atlantica A. Bolòs
- Epidalea calamita (Laurenti, 1768)
- Chalcides striatus (Cuvier, 1829)
- Chioglossa lusitanica Bocage, 1864
- Coronella austriaca Laurenti, 1768
- Coronella girondica (Daudin, 1803)
- Discoglossus galganoi Capula, Nascetti, Lanza, Bullini & Crespo, 1985
- Iberolacerta monticola (Boulenger, 1905)
- Lacerta schreiberi Bedriaga, 1878
- Zootoca vivipara (Von, 1787)
- Lissotriton boscai (Lataste, 1879)
- Lissotriton helveticus (Razoumovsky, 1789)
- Narcissus minor L. subsp. asturiensis (Jord.) Barra & G. López
- Natrix maura (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Natrix astreptophora (López Seoane, 1884)
- Podarcis bocagei (Seoane, 1884)
- Podarcis hispanica (Steindachner, 1870)
- Podarcis muralis (Laurenti, 1768)
- Rana iberica Boulenger, 1879
- Rana temporaria Linnaeus, 1758
- Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Ulex gallii Panch. subsp. breoganii (Castrov. & Valdés Berm.) Rivas Mart., T.E. Díaz, Fern. Prieto, Loidi & Penas
- Timon lepidus (Daudin, 1802)
- Galium saxatile L. subsp. vivianum (Kliphuis) Ehrend.
- Lycopodiella inundata (L.) Holub
- Populus nigra L.