


  • Miguel Serrano
    Thanks Mark for your photos and measures, I would say it is N. minor subsp. asturiensis, with particularly long and slender tepals and corona, with a ratio corona/tube= 2.85, somewhat longer than is normally found in N. asturiensis (ratio 0.88-283), and much shorter than it is found in N. cyclamineus (ratio 5.2-18.8), following Flora Iberica. Regarding the filaments, they are shorter than the style both in N. cyclamineus and N. asturiensis. I would classify it as Narcissus minor subsp. asturiensis in www.biodiversidade.eu. This thread of comments will help to keep the idea that is is not the commonest form, and that some doubt of introgression (i.e. from N. cyclamineus) could still be cast. :-)
  • Mark
    Hi Miguel. I have added some photos to show the leaves. I do not have one of inside the corona. This was the only 'asturiensis' here: the rest were cyclamineus and a few bulbocodium. The leaves were 150mm x 6mm, scape 150mm, corona 16mm x 6mm, tepals 17mm x 4mm, tube 7mm, pedicel 8mm, spathe 31mm. The filaments were all shorter than the style. As this was the first place I looked at properly I did not realise that this plant was not so typical for asturiensis!
  • Miguel Serrano
    Hi Mark! Was the one in the pictures the only individual with these morphological features? It would be interesting to know if there were other N. minor subsp. asturiensis with more normal features or only this individual surrounded by N. cyclamineus and N. bulbocodium. It seems somewhat intermediate between N. minor subsp. asturiensis and N. cyclamineus (similar to the horticultural Narcissus 'Minicyla). Have you got more pictures? In N.bulbocodium the stamen filament is curved at apex, being straight in the taxa of section Pseudonarcissus (i.e. N. cyclamineus and N. minor). N. bulbocodium leaves are narrower than in N. cyclamineus and N. minor. I think that photos of the leaves and the inner side of the corolla would be very valuable, in order to discard firstly a hybrid origin involving N. bulbocodium.